lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

Social Science - Unidad 1

Buenos días,

Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 1 de Social Science:


1.    Learn about different parts of the street (pavement, road) and some street furniture.
2.    Identify and appreciate the work of professions associated with streets and buildings.
3.    Learn to behave responsibly when on the street.
4.    Understand the importance of observing basic rules as a pedestrian and user of different means of transport.
5.    Distinguish between urban and rural environments and learn the main  differences between them.
6.    Understand how neighbourhoods are organised.
7.    Participate in group activities.
8.    Complete activities using digital media.


1.   Streets: characteristics and Street furniture.
2.   Living together.
3.   Our city. Our town.
4.   Individual rights and responsibilities
5.   Conflict resolution strategies, using codes of conduct and appreciating the importance of peaceful and tolerant coexistence.
6.   Using and reading different textual and graphic languages, with guidanceand simple models.
7.   Strategies to strengthen group cohesion and cooperative work.
8.   Introduction to using ICT to search for and select information.

Un saludo.

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