lunes, 17 de octubre de 2016

Natural Science - Unidad 1

Buenos días,

Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 1 de Natural Science:


1.    Observe and explore the physical and social environment, demonstrating interest and curiosity. Establish connections between one’s own actions and the resulting consequences.
2.    Identify the parts of the body and face and learn the function of the main joints.
3.    Identify and learn about the function of the five senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste) and associate them with the corresponding organ.
4.    Acquire more and better habits related to wellbeing and personal safety.
5.    Learn about objects associated with personal hygiene and taking care of the body, demonstrating an interest in identifying their characteristics and use.
6.    Learn to identify the features that make us all the same, and to appreciate and respect our differences.


1.   The human body. Parts of the body.
2.   Health and illness.
3.   Healthy habits.
4.   Habits to prevent illness and accidents in the classroom and at school.
5.   Personal hygiene, sleep, leisure and taking care of the body.
6.   Emotions and feelings.
7.   The human body. The senses.
8.   Using different sources of information (direct and indirect).
9.   Using information and communication technology to find information with guidance.
10.  Individual and cooperative work.
11.  Planning projects and submitting reports.

Un saludo.

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