lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

Social Science - Unidad 3

Buenos días,

Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 3 de Social Science:


1.    Learn about the main characteristics of water and air. Competence in Learning to Learn
2.    Distinguish between different meteorological phenomena and discover some of their effects on the human body.
3.    Assimilate new vocabulary related to weather.
4.    Look at the sequence of the different seasons of the year and the changes in weather that occur.
5.    Use fresh water responsibly, because it is a limited resource.
6.    Transfer the knowledge acquired to daily life and learn about models for responsible, constructive behaviour.
7.    Encourage participation in group activities.
8.    Work with digital content.


1.   Air: an essential element for human life. Characteristics. The wind.
2.   Weather. Observable weather phenomena: appearance of the sky, rain, snow, etc.
3.   The seasons of the year.
4.   Water: an essential element for human life. Characteristics. States of water. Everyday uses for water. Responsible water consumption.
5.   Using strategies to strengthen group cohesion and cooperative work.
6.   Introduction to using ICT to search for and select information.

Un saludo.

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