Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 2 de Natural Science:
1. Identify plants as producers and animals as consumers.
2. Differentiate between wild plants and crops, and learn about their care.
3. Differentiate between wild animals and domestic animals, and learn about their care.
4. Recognise nature as the home of all living things.
5. Assess the relationship between humans and the environment.
1. Classification of plants and animals according to visible criteria, identification and description.
2. Interest for the observation and study of plants and animals.
3. The relationship between human beings and nature.
4. Care habits and respect for plants.
5. Interest for the observation and study of plants and animals.
6. Using different sources of information (direct sources, books).
7. Using information and communications technology to look for guided information.
8. Individual and group work.
9. Use of different materials, taking into account the safety measures.
10. Planning a project and submitting a report.
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