martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Social Science - Unidad 2

Buenos días,

Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 2 de Social Science:


1. Know natural mountain and coastal landscapes.
2. Identify man-made elements that have been incorporated into the landscape.
3. Identify the three parts of a river.
4. Understand what a protected area is and respect it.
5. Manage materials in a digital format.
6. Work peacefully and socially in groups.


1. Landscapes
2. The natural landscape: mountain and coast
3. The natural environment and humans
4. Water. Where it appears.
5. Protected areas.
6. Develop strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information obtained by different methods and form different sources.
7. Using information and communications technology to search for and select information. Presenting conclusions.
8. Plan and organise simple guided projects in order to reach objectives. Entrepreneurial initiative.
9. Use strategies to enhance group cohesion and cooperative work.

Un saludo.

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