miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

Natural Science - Unidad 4

Buenos días,

Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 4 de Natural Science:


1.    Learn the main characteristics of dinosaurs.
2.    Differentiate between vertebrate (with bones) and invertebrate (without bones) animals.
3.    Identify the different types of vertebrate animals: mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians.
4.    Learn the main characteristics of mammals, birds and reptiles.
5.    Learn the characteristics of fish and amphibians and establish the difference between them.
6.    Encourage respect for and interest in other living things.


1.   Living things. Plants and animals. Identifying differences.
2.   Classification based on observable elements, identification and names. Characteristics of different types of animals and how they live. Constituent parts and main functions of animals.
3.   Major animal groups. Animals in the immediate natural environment. Direct and indirect observation of animals.
4.   Using information and communications technology to find information with guidance.
5.   Individual and cooperative work.
6.   Completing a project on animals.

Un saludo.

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