lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Social Science - Unidad 5

Buenos días,

Os dejo los objetivos y criterios de evaluación de la unidad 5 de Social Science:


1.    Put personal life events in order using basic concepts of time (before, now, after).
2.    Learn basic measurements used to organise time (years, months, weeks, days, hours).
3.    Recognise the calendar as an essential visual element used to organise time at an annual level.
4.    Learn the seasons of the year and their main characteristics.
5.    Understand the passing of time in human life.
6.    Complete individual assignments using different sources for assistance.
7.    Work with digital content.


1.   Day and night.
2.   Using and measuring time. Basic concepts: before, after, past, present, future, duration.
3.   Units of measurement: day, week, month, year.
4.   The seasons of the year.
5.   Past and present events.
6.   Introduction to scientific knowledge and its use in the Social Sciences.
7.   Develop strategies to organise, memorise and retrieve information obtained using different methods and sources.
8.   Introduction to using ICT to search for and select information.

Un saludo.

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